Saturday, October 10, 2009

Using magnets to heal in the New Age

I have magnets in my shoes, and they definitely contribute to my well being. I can't say they heal anything, but they make a difference in how I feel after standing on my feet for many hours at a time. Instead of my legs feeling like weights to lift and move with great effort, they seem to have enough energy to assist movement, allowing me to feel at ease, and even uplifted. As a senior citizen, still out there working, this magnetic effect is not to be dismissed as a fluke.

We accept all kinds of electric signals because we can see them, hear them, measure them with one of our senses. What if we can't all activate a self awareness, such that we can tell the magnets make a difference in how we feel? After all it can be a very subtle event. Perhaps some of us have the ability to respond more fully to magnets. The Gauss, or strength of the waves produced by the magnet, also will make a difference.

If there is any doubt the magnet in your hand can't do anything, hold it near your credit cards or computer for awhile. The effect of that magnet can be significant enough to destroy their usefulness. People all over the world are currently sporting Blue Tooth cell phone receivers, never giving a thought to the electromagnetic waves being produced by the little gadget. Harmful or not, these waves are currently (no pun intended) everywhere and part of all of our lives. There are ongoing discussions as to their effect on us, and meanwhile we disregard any warnings, having faith these waves are too weak to cause any trouble. It may well be out of sight, out of mind, negligence.

Magnets are cold and lifeless, yet they produce a definitive north/south energy that is deceptive until something placed near it is sucked quickly onto its surface. Get between the two, and you will feel the power of that magnet. The usefulness of the large magnets to heal depends upon aligning the poles appropriately. It seems to be an accepted practice to use the north pole as a healing energy source. I have personally known people who have rid themselves of pesky pains, and even more significant ones. It's hard to argue that magnets are worthless to someone who is so relieved.

Since every little molecule and atom has a sine wave of its own, and therefore is a tiny energy source. It would follow that magnets can help effect and/or align some elements of just about any living thing. Think of hemoglobin, and copper, and other such elements that are part of us, having a bit of a pull from a nearby magnet might be just the right thing to do to restore order to them. It is important to realize that magnets can polarize in the negative as well as in the positive. Just try to place two north poles together, and you can feel the strength of the resistance

Magnets have the potential to effect us, and the more you go with that energy flow, and believe in it, the better the chances are you will gain some benefit from them.

Author: Jacquie Schmall


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